Excerpt from

Dream Master

by Mared Koral

An answer to unspoken prayers


Smiling, she turned to the book-case and slipped a finger along the many volumes there, counting all of her secret wonders while her left hand traced its way through her hair, lifting the red mass of soft curls off her neck to accept the delicate kiss of the night air.
“You spend too much time before that piece of furniture, my dear.” The clear resonating voice startled her, causing her to release a squeak and turn quickly, knocking several books from their places, only to face nothingness.
Blinking several times, she grasped, the book she had chosen against her chest. She stared hard at the softly lit room, trying to see the keeper of the voice, but turning up with nothing. Groaning, she shook her head and muttered, “Athena, you’re going crazy.”


“Of course, Master…” she didn’t know if she meant it, she just had to get it out, and it felt so right upon her lips. In all honestly, she thought perhaps that she might like the taste of the rope biting into her skin, causing friction only to height-en her pleasure.
“Good,” she felt the smile of his win its way into her soul again. His fingers brushed her cheek, causing flames to arise in them, and her body ached once again with the soft need that was slowly building high within her.
Groaning, she flicked out her tongue, catching one of his fingers. Drawing it with her tongue into her mouth, she sucked on it, trying to convey her passion to him.


Read the rest of Dream Master in Consent Magazine Issue #20 Winter 2003