Excerpt from
Tale of the Desperate Masturbator
by Rachel D Landis
The lengths one woman goes for sexual satisfaction
I was out of batteries.
I was standing in front of the refrigerator, stark naked, because the battery in my vibrator just died. I read somewhere that batteries keep longer when stored in the refrig-erator. So thats why I was standing in the middle of my kitchen, buck naked, with the refrigerator door wide open. I was looking for a bat-tery. And I was out. My hands went numb and my cheeks burned. Minutes before, my vibrator had been comfortably nestled between the lips of my vagina, buzzing happily as my fingers began to curl and my heart started to rush. I was almost there. Almost at that brain tingling, body careening moment when every cell goes numb. And quite suddenly it stopped.
I opened my eyes and looked around the room.
Read the rest of Tale of the Desperate masturbator in Consent Magazine Issue #22 2005