To Contact

Please use one of the following methods:

 E-Mail: Surface Mail:

contact Brian directly at:

or Tasia directly at:

Allison's Secret Closet
P.O. Box 82284
Columbus, OH 43202-0284
Telephone & Voice Mail: Fax:

 (614) 268-9127

The phone will be answered "B&T."

If you get voice mail, please LEAVE A MESSAGE and give your Phone Number SLOWLY and CLEARLY so we will be able to call you back.

 (614) 267-8182

If you get voice mail, then the fax line is busy. Please try again later.

The fax machine and the computer share a phone line. E-mail is suggested if the line is continually busy.

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Confidentiality Notice: B&T AlleyCat Productions, P.L.L. does NOT sell or provide mailing lists or any other information regarding our clients or advertisers to anyone. All customer information is completely confidential.