In the Bottom Bureau Drawer you find our standard design
which can be ordered from B&T AlleyCat Productions.
Rummaging through the drawer you find:
A few of these are production items, most are things we make here at B&T. If you see something you like but want just a few changes let us know. We can modify any of our designs to fit your tastes.
To Place an Order
Look on the Back of the Closet Door to order any of the Adult Toys.
Not quite finding what you are looking for in the Bottom Drawer? Looking for the fancier custom pieces you just know are hanging in Allison's Secret Closet?
Then you want to slip through the Secret Panel to The Adult Side of Custom Designs by Tasia.
Please Remember:
All of the designs and pictures shown here are property of Brian Chipman, Tasia Russell, and B&T AlleyCat Productions, they are not to be used by anyone for any purpose in any format be it print or electronic, or reproduced in any form what so ever, without express written permission from Brian Chipman or Tasia Russell or B&T AlleyCat Productions. Violators will be descended upon by a swarm of lawyers, and then we will get nasty.