- Stories
- My First Time - The Briefest of Starting Tastes - His first
one was with his first one
- Swtich Back - Trying the other side
- Perfect Island - One person's paradise island
- A Story for My Master - A birthday wish come true
- A Love Letter to My Master - Reminiscing about the infamous
- The Collaring, Part VI - Final passage to a new beginning -
our first serialized fantasy concludes... Finally!
- Ideas
- Tying Things Together, Tasia's editorial - Audio
Eroticism - sound signals
- The Final Stroke, Brian's editorial - The Butterfly
Factor - what makes people play the way they do
- Information
- Letters to Consent - Letters from our readers
- Corrections - What Tasia got sent to the corner for in Issue
- Ask Allison - Hot Stuff - kinky science experiments. Allison
answers Trouble's question.
- Historical Ties - Suetonis, Martial, and Catullus: Fair Play
for the Naughty Bits
- Dirty Limerick Contest Winner
- The very best of your worst
- Show Us Your Dungeon - A Renter's Dungeon - a hidden,
moveable play space
- Trappings of a Slut - Lips that Lure You in to Linger
- A Domina's Language of Flowers - The subtle message you can
conve3y by the figt of flowers
- The Academy: Tales of the Marketplace - Reviewed by Melusine
- Poetry
- Porcelain White Flesh - The desire for marks
- A Study of Collections - Art is in the eye of the beholder
. | . Ideas .
| . Information . | .
Artistic Gallery.
| . Poetry