- Stories
- Taking the Initive - Inexperienced sub tries to please her Master
by changing places with him for a session
- The Domming of One - The forging of devotion
- Paid in Full - There's something about a man in uniform...
- Redefining Love - definition determines everything
- The Celebration, Part I - Our second serialized fantasy begins...
Sometimes birthday wishes come true
- Full Length - Sometimes one thrust is worth 100 words
- Ideas
- Tying Things Together, Tasia's editorial - Submission
throught the eyes of a submissive
- The Final Stroke, Brian's editorial - Practice
Makes Perfect; Situations in the mind's eye
- Information
- Some Like It Cool - Chillingly delightful pastimes for steamy
summer days
- Corrections - What Tasia got sent to the corner for in Issue
- Historical Ties - Meeting and Manipulating: Advice from Ovid
the Master of Love
- Construction Zone - Paddles - Spare you hand and sting the bottom
- Artistic Gallery
- Inked Drawings Michael S. Murphy
- Impending Impact
- Police Line Up
- Under Her Control
- Sculpture by Tom Maseau
- High Heel Heartache
- Girl Power
- Photography by Brian
- Braided and Bound(front cover)
- Well... I'm Waiting
- Karen
- Dragon Lady
- Tails (back cover)
- Drawings of Allison by Sandy
- Poetry
- I Thought Love - It takes a while to discover that love isn't
what you thought it was
- Alone - A question of persmission
- Transformations - Going to subspace: the trip is different for
. | . Ideas .
| . Information . | .
Artistic Gallery.
| . Poetry