- Stories
- Note by Note - Learning to dance to a different song
- Bondage Panic - A glimmer of insight
- Pins - A Submissive is cared for by pins
- In the Dead of Winter - After a dominatrix falls
- Confessions of a Pain Slut - Happiness is not always a warm
puppy; sometimes it is cold, heavy chains and a red-welted backside
- The Commission, Part II - Even subs have to take control of
their lives at some point
- Ideas
- Tying Things Together, Tasia's editorial - High
Heels: Public play the public doesn't notice
- The Final Stroke, Brian's editorial - Easing Tension
- Teaching an old sub new tricks
- Information
- Brian's Book Review - The 43rd Mistress: A Sensual Odyssey by
Grant Antrews
- Corrections - What Tasia got sent to the corner for in Issue
- Historical Ties - Divine Dominatrices of the Aeneid &
Notes on Aeneid Translations
- Nightqueen Waxes Poetic - Playing with Fire
- Consent Fun Fact - For the Naughty Nutrition Conscious
- Artistic Gallery
- Marker and Pencils by Alcibiades
- Prince's Lock
- Severe Pinstripes
- Spare the Rod . . .
- Inked Drawings by Grüner
- Laced up very tightly indeed
- The Initation
- Collar & cuffs à la Roissy
- Oil Painting by Matthew Scott
- Photography by Brian
- Right There. (front cover)
- Toe Cleavage
- Tying Herself in Knots
- Twilight
- Dream Mistress (back cover)
- Drawings of Allison by Sandy
- Poetry
- Frustration - All charged up with no place to go
- A Collection of Haiku - Four inspired by play
. | . Ideas .
| . Information
. | . Artistic Gallery. | . Poetry