Writer Information

Writers Submission Guidelines & Release Form
How to get YOUR writing published in Consent

We are always looking for stories, poetry and informative articles. The only writing guides we insist on are:

1) Erotic or humorous and kinky in nature;
2) Completely consensual;
3) Well-written.

Consent's Writers Submission Guidlines Expanded:

The writer’s guideline has three simple criteria. Here I am going to cover them in a little more detail for those who have asked. Material for Consent must be:

1. Erotic or humorous and kinky in nature.

This means kinky erotica, kinky humor, and even kinky humorous erotica. If it does things to you, send it to us.
We are not interested in material that would be perfectly acceptable for the evening paper. We want material that our readers will want to read. Consent is an adult magazine and all of the readers are adults.

2. Completely consensual.

This does not eliminate extreme play. However, to the reader it needs to be clear that what is happening is acceptable to the participants. This includes kidnap and ravishment stories, provided the participants make it clear they have a positive view of what happens to them, making it clearly consensual.

3. Well-written.

We insist on the use of proper English, or at least a close attempt.

No use of strange, non-standard capitalization is accepted.

Screen names, aliases and bylines are an allowable exceptions to capitalizing proper names.

No use of the slang word "cum."

Second person point of view is not advised.

Text submissions MUST be in electronic format either in an e-mail attachment or on a disk. We want to read your smut not retype it. Please save your work in Rich Text Format.

  1. Under File select Save As.
  2. Select Save File as Type: Rich Text Format.
  3. Add the extension .rtf to your file name.
  4. Save your file.

To submit your work by e-mail copy the Release Form for Writers below and paste it in your mail software, fill out the form, attach your writing(s) as attachments and e-mail the message to:

Please note: If you are submitting more creative writing where part of your idea has to do with layout or special fonts, such as poetry or free verse, you may need to send us a copy of the original so we can ensure that it is correctly printed. Also, we will not return any printouts or disks unless it is sent with a SASE with correct postage. If you are sending your work through the regular mail print the Release Form for Writers below, fill it out, and enclose it with a printed copy of your work and a disk with your work saved on it and send them to:
Consent Magazine Submissions
PO Box 82284
Columbus Ohio, 43202

You may submit multiple pieces attached to the same e-mail with one release. Each piece must be titled.

Please note we respond to all submissions. We do not return any materials unless they accompanied with a SASE including correct postage.

Release Form for Writers

I ______________________________(creator’s legal name) am over 18 years old and I grant B&T AlleyCat Productions Ltd one time publication rights to my original work as specified below.
• Title(s) of work submitted: ________________________

• Short descriptive blurb (up to 10 words to interest readers for the table of contents): ________________________________

• Your name as it is to appear in Consent. Aliases & Pen Names are fine. Print clearly: ________________________________

• Your legal name for our records only: __________________________________________________

• Your mailing address (to send your contributor's copy): _____________________________________________________________________

Legal Release for Authors, Artists & Photographers: Authors/Artists/Photographers are directly responsible for any patent or copyright infringement and here agree to indemnify Consent for any violations of the said subject matter. Authors/Artists/Photographers agree to indemnify Consent to and save them harmless from any and all liability, loss and/or damage in any way arising out of the subject matter of said submissions. If necessary Authors/Artists/Photographers in order to save Consent so harmless, will satisfy on their behalf any judgement against them in any way arising out of the subject matter of said submissions.